


索非亚阿尔瓦雷斯, treasurer and secretary of the Mexican American Studies Society at UNC, discusses the importance of learning about cultures and languages around the 世界. Katie and Sofia start this journey of discovery with open arms, excited to 分享他们对周围世界的兴趣.

索非亚阿尔瓦雷斯, treasurer and secretary of the Mexican American Studies (MAS) Society at UNC, discusses the importance of learning about cultures and languages around the 世界. Katie and Sofia start this journey of discovery with open arms, excited to 分享他们对周围世界的兴趣. (播放时间14:52)



大家好! 欢迎回到本周的“记住”播客. I’m 主持人凯蒂·诺德,我们开始吧!

All around the 世界, people communicate in many different ways, some that we may 从未听说过. 地球上有超过7117种语言,而我只会两种 其中! Living in a 世界 that revolves around communication, finding new ways to learn and grow as people, starts with stepping outside of your comfort zone. 学习 about 一门新语言 or culture can begin that journey of discovery and welcome you 变成充满有趣的人的社区! 索非亚阿尔瓦雷斯,皇冠app官方版下载的一名学生, is here today to talk with us about all things language and culture. 为某事感谢 今天和我一起! 作为一个对语言学习感兴趣的人,我非常 excited to share this conversation with you all and I think you, the audience, will 我很喜欢索菲亚要说的话!

Can you please introduce yourself, what year you're in at UNC, your education interests, 你还有什么想让我们知道的吗. (MAS协会司库兼秘书)

Hello I'm 索非亚阿尔瓦雷斯 I'm a senior at UNC, my major is elementary education with CLD(文化、语言多样性)背书. 我现在是第二个 实习,希望下学期开始学生教学. 我在皇冠app官方版下载餐饮部工作 我是MAS协会的司库兼秘书,所以我很忙.

For those who don’t know, September 15th began Hispanic Heritage Month. 以你自己的方式 words, how would you describe this celebration, the importance, and how you and your 朋友和家人一起庆祝? 

The importance of Hispanic Heritage Month is to celebrate our heritage, the people in our heritage and the impact we've had on the community and the 世界. 没有 many huge holidays but its more so that there are mini events that celebrate us as 一个社区. The César Chávez Cultural Center is one of the main organizations on campus that host many events because they are hosts and partners to many clubs especially 那些有拉丁/西班牙血统的人. 

What are the best ways people outside of the community can get involved and learn 更多皇冠app安卓下载安装文化和历史的内容

诚实地出去走走. 露面,露面. 我希望人们能理解 that we're stronger in numbers and that adding you voice to our cause helps us get 更多的信息. 我不确定是紧张还是什么,但你是否 part of the Latinx/Hispanic community you are always welcome to the carne asadas if you are willing to be open minded and accepting… and you bring good chisme. 我们欢迎 all and we will always be more than happy to tell you our goals, our missions, and 我们对社区的梦想. 你知道,我们正在创造历史.

How do you believe learning about new languages and cultures opens up your 世界 to 不同的经历,不同的人,不同的世界观?

我相信学习新的语言有助于建立联系. 当你努力去 learn 一门新语言 i feel you're also making a effort to understand another culture and I mean from there it's only a matter of time until you explore more. 或者虎钳 versa, where you're exposed to the culture then are curious to learn the language.

You know three languages, English, Spanish, and American Sign Language, and you are 目前我也在学习葡萄牙语. 你认为最好的学习方法是什么 一门新语言?

我是Duo的用户,但除了应用程序,我经常接触它. 所以无论是节目,音乐, events, or even talking with people that also speak your target language. 我强烈 believe if you don't practice it you'll lose it, hence why i speak Spanish around all my friends even if you don't understand me its mainly for me because i hold my 西班牙语贴近我的心. 

Why do you believe it’s important that people learn more than one language? 如何 它从整体上改善你的生活?

会说两种语言真是太酷了. 这在很多领域都是有益的. 有 ALWAYS times where someone is speaking Spanish and needs help and i take it upon myself 帮助. Especially being an educator, I have a lot of Spanish-speaking kids or bilingual kids that feel more comfortable speaking in Spanish so i switch between the two in 教室里. 

In your opinion, what are the most challenging things about learning 一门新语言?

The slang, the vocab is different depending where you're at, pronunciation, and when 当涉及到动词的结尾和变化时,我很困惑. 有时自从我开口说话 无论是英语还是西班牙语,其中一种都会延续到另一种. 

Do you believe that surrounding yourself with people who speak the language or know about the culture can help you meet new people, therefore learning about their experiences 也?

是的. Everyone has a story and if you really want to know it, you just gotta put in the effort to learn the language, communicate, and get to know them. 你学会了 让自己接触不同的文化.

What is something about Mexican culture that you find the most pride and joy in? 

我的语言和食物! 老实说,节日总是很热闹,但食物却很热闹 总是那么安慰. 虽然我的语言,我可能有偏见,但一切听起来 西班牙语更好. 爱,音乐,诗歌,童谣,笑话. 一切——但是 可能只有我是这样 

As you mentioned before, you are the current treasurer and secretary for MAS 社会 at UNC, could you tell us about your roles and about the club itself?

As secretary, I take notes during meetings and I jot down everyone's ideas so we can 当我们计划下一个活动的时候,重新审视它们. 作为财务主管,我负责 funding and budgeting so not only do I jot down your ideas and then I try to make 他们发生.

Who is able to join the club and participate in your club events?

每个人,真的每个人. 我们是一个学生经营的俱乐部,正如我之前提到的 be friendly, welcoming, open minded, willing to learn more, and glad to stand alongside 那你在我们俱乐部就有一席之地了. 我们正努力与其他俱乐部建立更多的合作关系 and cultural clubs this semester and we’ll most likely be partnering again with Greek 生活和csamar Chávez文化中心. 我们这学期的会议很好看 to be Thursdays from 2-3 in the basement of the César Chávez house so if you're able 去做,然后顺道拜访.

How do you recommend those who are interested in joining this club, can reach out 了解更多?

我们有一个Instagram,也可以在Bear Connect上找到我们. 我们的Instagram 马斯.社会.Unco,跟踪我们,让我们了解所有的活动

As 一个社区, taking that first step into learning something new about the 世界 在我们身边,用新的镜头审视生活. 无论是结识新朋友,还是庆祝 a different country’s holiday, or watching a movie in a different language that you 否则我就不会看了. 学习其他文化对我们来说是一个巨大的飞跃 去发现更多皇冠app安卓下载安装我们生活的世界. 就我个人而言,我等不及要潜水了 我希望你也会!

¡Gracias por escuchar el capítulo de 记住播客 de este semana! 是一种 联合国大会! 再见!
